Cosmetic Services

Teeth Whitening

Examination and Assessment

If it’s your first time visiting us, we will perform a full dental exam to assess your overall oral health and identify any areas that may require extra attention. Along with the exam, a hygienist will clean your teeth and evaluate treatment you have had done in the past and any treatment you may need to have completed. We will take any necessary X-rays to see between the teeth for decay, abscess, bone loss, and any other abnormalities.

The most common foods and drinks that cause discoloration are:

How Teeth Whitening Works

While teeth whitening agents like strips, toothpaste and other over the counter, store-bought products may assist somewhat in resolving the surface stains on your teeth, the best way to have safe, long-lasting results is to make an appointment for professional teeth whitening. If done professionally using techniques such as Zoom or custom made bleaching trays, whitening can last as long as up to 5 years or longer (depending on personal habits the options followed for maintenance).

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

The best teeth whitening options:

Zoom teeth whitening: The dental hygienist or assistant uses a special light to whiten teeth that is completed in one office visit and produces immediate, long-lasting results. The process only takes about one hour and has an average improvement rate of eight shades.

Tray Whitening: A dental hygienist or assistant will take a mold of your teeth to make your own custom, take home mouth trays. These trays are then worn at night OR for a brief time during the day, depending on what kind of gel in the dentist recommends for the tray.

Get Started

To schedule an appointment for a full dental exam at our dental office, or if you have a question about this service, fill out the form on our contact page, or call us directly at

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